MACTA regularly works with local legislators to craft legislation that addresses issues related to PEG stations. As specific bills become available, they will be posted here.
The goal of this work plan is to increase awareness for the value of public, educational, and governmental (PEG) cable television channels prior to the 2024 legislative session through a robust awareness and advocacy campaign. Specific work plan tactics include the creation of key messages, informational brochure on funding, collateral materials, collaboration with potential coalition partners, and member-led advocacy.Bills
As the Minnesota Association of Community Television Administrators (MACTA) develops its specific legislative asks in the coming year(s), it would be best supported by a robust advocacy strategy aimed at:- Connect coalition members and elected officials to influence elected officials' actions.
- Build a coalition that supports community television programming and legislative reforms that bolster current funding streams and explore new funding opportunities.
- Educate local and state elected officials on the benefits of community television programming and current funding challenges.
The Legislative Policy Committee is co-chaired by Karen George, Quad Cities Cable Commission, Shannon Slatton Schwartz, CCX Media, and Sam Temple, Northfield Community Television. If you, or your agency, are a member of MACTA, you are encouraged to join the LPC. For more information on the LPC, please contact MACTA at Email:
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