For over 40 years MACTA has worked to protect our members from threats of legislation such as...
  • In the 1990's a battle over preemption of local control over rights-of-way
  • The loss of local cable rate regulation when the industry declared there was "effective competition" (from satellite dish at that time)
  • Then avoiding statewide franchising in 2005 (almost half of states LOST local franchising)
  • Preemption of cities' wireless permitting and appropriate rent
MACTA members are now facing a different threat, the loss of revenue due to more rapid  "cord cutting" as people switch from cable tv service to streaming. Since broadband is currently not locally franchised, there is little local oversight nor funding for PEG facilities like a cable tv franchise provides. For many MACTA members the revenue decline began in 2017 and since then members have seen as high as a 40% decline in projected funding for 2024. Attached is a spreadsheet to complete the yellow highlighted areas and email to me at so we can compile how much funding local franchising authorities have lost by percent and by population served. There are formulas in the tables to calculate both.

In 2023 MACTA hired Goff Public to help prepare for the 2024 legislative session to find a path to modernize funding lost with cord cutting. This was a substantial increase in costs for lobbying and legislative expenses for which most of the MACTA reserve funds were used. The Equal Access to Broadband Bill took shape and made great progress in the House. Industry spent an estimated $1,000,000 lobbying against our efforts. While the bill was placed in the original DFL House Omnibus bill, it was then removed due to being short on Senate support. Here is a short video from MACTA's testimony from 2024. 

Your colleagues on the MACTA board were very impressed with Goff Public's efforts during the session and renewed their contract for the summer of 2024 through the 2025 session. The lobbying costs alone are over $83,000 and there may be additional legal and similar costs for new funding bills being planned on our behalf. As mentioned at our July Conference, the board agreed on a "Legislative Assessment" based on population similar to the membership dues.

Population Assessment
100,000 and over $5,000
45,0000-99,999 $2,500
30,0000-44,999 $1,250
15,000-29,999 $500
5,000-14,999 $250
Under 5,000 $100
Associate members $100

If you paid the small assessment as part of your membership in 2024 you can deduct that amount from the Legislative Assessment due. We understand that most of our members are dealing with impactful deficits in funds including staff changes. 

Some of the groups that have seen the largest decline in revenue by percentage have already paid their full share as they know new funding needs to be found now, before it is too late. Please reach out to Christine for an invoice

Members need to get active:
  • Pay the MACTA Legislative Assessment as soon as possible to fund our effort
  • Complete the sample lost funding Excel spreadsheet as soon as possible and send it in
  • Reach out to neighboring communities for MACTA membership renewals
  • Educate our communities on the importance of local community media
  • Reach out to elected officials and candidates to support MACTA issues
  • Work to gather more partner organizations and business allies
  • Attend monthly policy calls to stay informed on what's happening
Again, I appreciate all the support from our members in our efforts last year. Thank you to all the members that have already paid your full or partial Legislative Assessment. We will need letters of support from your cities and allies as well as members attending or testifying at committee hearings this coming session. Watch for future action alerts during the session. We need everyone helping and pulling together for a long-term funding solution through legislative efforts.

Thank you,
Eric Strouse
MACTA President