The Minnesota Association of Community Telecommunications Administrators (MACTA) is comprised of member cities, Public-Education-Government (PEG) organizations, schools and industry supporters.  The organization serves as a voice and lobbying arm to speak on behalf of members on a variety of telecommunications issues including Cable Franchises, PEG requirements and operation, broadband and more. It also provides conferences, workshops and education for those who work with video, telecommunication and broadband in local government.

MACTA was formed to proactively address issues that impact cable television and franchise development. MACTA has evolved into an advocacy organization to help shape the rapidly changing telecommunications landscape as it affects its members. MACTA also is a state chapter of the National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors.

MACTA Serves an Advocacy Group to:

  • Ensure local governments and PEG organizations have a voice and a place at the policy-making table.
  • Serve as a resource of accurate information for public officials when they are making policy decisions in telecommunications.
  • Work creatively with all those involved to resolve issues facing the telecommunications industry.
  • Create a level playing field, treating all service and technology providers in an equitable, non-discriminatory manner while insuring compensation for public rights-of-way and the provision of PEG access.


Our Statement

MACTA supports, promotes, and protects local interest in community access television (PEG), cable franchising, public right-of-way and cable/telecommunications public policy.

Telecommunications and Your City

Telecommunications is defined in Webster's dictionary as, "communication by radio, telephone, telegraph, television, etcetera." For the public official or employee involved in the complex and evolving world of telecommunications, this definition is far too simple. For example, with the advent of cable television many local governments have had to quickly learn a new vocabulary. Terms such as institutional network, community access, Cable Act, consumer protection, telco, and franchising are issues which already affect many Minnesota municipalities. But as quickly as these issues have developed, the next generation is already looming on the horizon. From coaxial cable to fiber optics to satellite, the telecommunications arena is changing more rapidly than a remote-controlled television.

We, as policy makers and cable professionals, are faced with the ever-growing responsibility to understand, comprehend, and respond knowledgeably to the latest telecommunications issues that affect our cities.

As our cities prepare for the 21st century, we will have to determine how we will administer cable television and other related telecommunications issues. For many municipalities, this is an added challenge which must be balanced with a multitude of other concerns. Our cities, restricted by the confines of time and budgets, may not be able to devote ample energy to staying informed on the most recent court decisions, pending legislation or other telecommunications activities. However, there is a source to help.

IF you are involved in cable television or telecommunications as a public official, an administrator, or other cable professional, then MACTA can be a valuable resource to your community.