2017 MACTA Member Survey Results
In late 2017, MACTA conducted a survey of its members to get their thoughts on topics such as membership dues, conferences, events, legislative lobbying/monitoring, information sharing, education and areas of focus for the organization.
Here are some of the highlights:
- 36 members responded
- 83% agree MACTA provides value to their organization
- 78% agree the annual conference is informative and educational
- 53% would like to see more programs on technology trends and new equipment
- 80% visit the MACTA website at least several times per year
- 75% agree the e-Brief contains useful and relevant content
- 74% rank "Protecting MACTA members' policy interests" as the organizations top priority
The board will be using the results to help shape its current and future work plans. Based on the survey, areas for improvement include providing more production/technical content and engaging more with outstate members.
Click here to view the full survey results